Wednesday, October 28, 2015

13 Halloween Fun Facts

Halloween is here!  All kinds of spooky fun is to be had everywhere that you look. Wobbly Boots Roadhouse loves the day that we get to dress up and eat candy. The only thing better than candy is BBQ, but we can eat that without guilt every day of the year!  Do you realize that Halloween has been around for over 6,000 years?  Here are 13 other fun facts about this holiday that are pretty cool to know.  (Is it unlucky that we picked 13?)

1.  The birthplace of Halloween is Ireland, but both Salem, Massachusetts and Anoka, Minnesota proclaim themselves as the Halloween capitals of the world. 

2.  The only commercial holiday that tops Halloween as the highest grossing is Christmas.  

3.  Dressing up for Halloween comes from the Celtic tradition when people disguised themselves to escape the notice of spirits wandering the Earth on Halloween night.  

4.  Black and orange are considered Halloween colors.  Orange symbolizes strength and endurance and is associated with the harvest and Autumn.  Black is a symbol of death and darkness.  Halloween was once a festival marking the boundaries between life and death, so the color black is a reminder of this. 

5.  Pumpkins were not originally used to carve jack-o-lanterns.  People used to make faces in turnips. 

6.  The jack-o-lantern got its name from a very stingy man named Jack. Supposedly, he tricked the devil one too many times and was refused entrance into both heaven and hell. This condemned him to wander he Earth, waving a lantern to lead others away from their paths.  

7.  The word "witch" actually comes from the Old English word "wicce" which means "wise woman." 

8.  If you spot a spider on Halloween, that is said to mean that the spirit of a loved one is watching over you.  

9.  In the UK, white cats are considered bad luck rather than black cats. 

10. The owl is a favorite image for Halloween for a couple of reasons.  In Medieval Europe, people thought that owls were actually witches in disguise. Also, if you heard an owl's call, that meant someone was about to die. 

11. Tradition says that if you wear your clothing inside out and walk backwards on Halloween, you will see a witch at midnight.  

12. In 1978, the movie "Halloween" had such a tight budget that they picked out the cheapest mask they could find for Michael Meyers to wear.  Turns out, it was actually a William Shatner Star Trek mask painted white! 

13. Halloween is considered the third biggest day of the year to party.  The top two are Super Bowl Sunday and New Year's Eve.

Your favorite BBQ restaurant near Des Moines plans to spend a nice chunk of our Halloween watching Iowa football!  The Hawkeyes play at 2:30 pm, and the Cyclones will be on later in the evening at 6:00 pm.  Order up a few treats from the kitchen, have a bit or witch's brew (brew = beer), and watch the games with us before heading out for an evening of tricks and treats.  Costumes are optional at Wobbly Boots Roadhouse, but they sure make the day a lot more fun!  

Don't forget you can take home 16 oz. bottles of 

Second Location - Same Incredible BBQ!

Open EVERY DAY at 11:00 AM!

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Wobbly Boots Roadhouse
1301 NW 114th St
Clive IA 50325
(515) 223-5700

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